TCN を受信したインタフェースを調べる



STP のTCN を受信するとEPG 内の同じVLAN ID を持つEP 情報がフラッシュされる。EPG 同じでもVLAN が違えばフラッシュはしない。

タイミング悪くSpine のCOOP から消えているとEP 間で通信不可になる。どのインタフェースでTCN を受信したか確認するにはAPIC からは

fabric XXXX show mcp internal info vlan YYY

XXX はLeaf を指定、複数指定もできる。YYY は具体的なVLAN ID かall

直接Leaf 上で叩く場合はshow 以降で確認できる。

受信後はEP 情報が消え、Leaf201 Eth1/1 から受信していることが確認できる。
Leaf202 側がSVI を示しているのはリモートLeaf スイッチで受信し、転送されてきたことを意味している。

◆Leaf201 受信前

Leaf201# show endpoint vrf TNT-1:VRF-1
 s - arp              H - vtep             V - vpc-attached     p - peer-aged
 R - peer-attached-rl B - bounce           S - static           M - span
 D - bounce-to-proxy  O - peer-attached    a - local-aged       m - svc-mgr
 L - local            E - shared-service
      VLAN/                           Encap           MAC Address       MAC Info/       Interface
      Domain                          VLAN            IP Address        IP Info
16                                          vlan-10    547c.69b7.cc1e L                      eth1/1
TNT-1:VRF-1                                 vlan-10 L                      eth1/1

                             Endpoint Summary
Total number of Local Endpoints     : 1
Total number of Remote Endpoints    : 0
Total number of Peer Endpoints      : 0
Total number of Peer Rl Endpoints   : 0
Total number of vPC Endpoints       : 0
Total number of non-vPC Endpoints   : 1
Total number of MACs                : 1
Total number of VTEPs               : 0
Total number of Local IPs           : 1
Total number of Remote IPs          : 0
Total number All EPs                : 1

Leaf201# show mcp internal info vlan 10
               PI VLAN: 16 Up
            Encap VLAN: 10
       PVRSTP TC Count: 0
         RSTP TC Count: 0


◆Leaf201 受信後

Leaf201# show endpoint vrf TNT-1:VRF-1
 s - arp              H - vtep             V - vpc-attached     p - peer-aged
 R - peer-attached-rl B - bounce           S - static           M - span
 D - bounce-to-proxy  O - peer-attached    a - local-aged       m - svc-mgr
 L - local            E - shared-service
      VLAN/                           Encap           MAC Address       MAC Info/       Interface
      Domain                          VLAN            IP Address        IP Info

                             Endpoint Summary
Total number of Local Endpoints     : 0
Total number of Remote Endpoints    : 0
Total number of Peer Endpoints      : 0
Total number of Peer Rl Endpoints   : 0
Total number of vPC Endpoints       : 0
Total number of non-vPC Endpoints   : 0
Total number of MACs                : 0
Total number of VTEPs               : 0
Total number of Local IPs           : 0
Total number of Remote IPs          : 0
Total number All EPs                : 0

Leaf201# show mcp internal info vlan 10
               PI VLAN: 16 Up
            Encap VLAN: 10
       PVRSTP TC Count: 3
         RSTP TC Count: 0
Last TC flush at Thu Aug  X XX:XX:XX 2020
 on Ethernet1/1


◆Leaf202 受信前

Leaf202# show endpoint vrf TNT-1:VRF-1
 s - arp              H - vtep             V - vpc-attached     p - peer-aged
 R - peer-attached-rl B - bounce           S - static           M - span
 D - bounce-to-proxy  O - peer-attached    a - local-aged       m - svc-mgr
 L - local            E - shared-service
      VLAN/                           Encap           MAC Address       MAC Info/       Interface
      Domain                          VLAN            IP Address        IP Info
16                                          vlan-10    04c5.a442.cc1e L                      eth1/1
TNT-1:VRF-1                                 vlan-10 L                      eth1/1

                             Endpoint Summary
Total number of Local Endpoints     : 1
Total number of Remote Endpoints    : 0
Total number of Peer Endpoints      : 0
Total number of Peer Rl Endpoints   : 0
Total number of vPC Endpoints       : 0
Total number of non-vPC Endpoints   : 1
Total number of MACs                : 1
Total number of VTEPs               : 0
Total number of Local IPs           : 1
Total number of Remote IPs          : 0
Total number All EPs                : 1

Leaf202# show mcp internal info vlan 10
               PI VLAN: 16 Up
            Encap VLAN: 10
       PVRSTP TC Count: 0
         RSTP TC Count: 0


◆Leaf202 受信後

Leaf202# show endpoint vrf TNT-1:VRF-1
 s - arp              H - vtep             V - vpc-attached     p - peer-aged
 R - peer-attached-rl B - bounce           S - static           M - span
 D - bounce-to-proxy  O - peer-attached    a - local-aged       m - svc-mgr
 L - local            E - shared-service
      VLAN/                           Encap           MAC Address       MAC Info/       Interface
      Domain                          VLAN            IP Address        IP Info

                             Endpoint Summary
Total number of Local Endpoints     : 0
Total number of Remote Endpoints    : 0
Total number of Peer Endpoints      : 0
Total number of Peer Rl Endpoints   : 0
Total number of vPC Endpoints       : 0
Total number of non-vPC Endpoints   : 0
Total number of MACs                : 0
Total number of VTEPs               : 0
Total number of Local IPs           : 0
Total number of Remote IPs          : 0
Total number All EPs                : 0

Leaf202# show mcp internal info vlan 10
               PI VLAN: 16 Up
            Encap VLAN: 10
       PVRSTP TC Count: 3
         RSTP TC Count: 0
Last TC flush at Thu Aug  X XX:XX:XX 2020
 on Vlan15




Connecting Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) to Outside Layer 2 and 3 Networks
STP Topology Change Notification (TCN) Snooping

Cisco ACI CLI Commands “Cheat Sheet”
